We strive to give each client the best experience that they can have with cloth diapering. Take a look at some of our supporters and clients had to say about us... 

"Thank you for helping me through the first 3 months! I couldn't have done it without you" - Ann P.

"Who would use plastic disposable diapers when there is such a convenient way to go green - and I hate to think that I spend all this money and energy feeding my baby organic and getting organic sheets and clothes and then I slap on a plastic diaper on his most sensitive area! That seems ridiculous. I save money, I never have to lug huge  boxes of diapers upstairs , and I never have to wash the cloth, they just appear every Sunday morning on my door step! What mama can ask for more? Go Queen Bee!"             - Alexis R.


"Queen Bee has serviced our patients for 2 years, and gave everyone of them 1 week free - I never heard a complaint other than a few customer service issues. I know the knew owners and they are fantastic. I expect that the customer service will be the best in the country now! NYC babies are lucky to have Queen Bee "behind" them!" -Brooklyn Birthing Center

" I love the way Queen Bee customized my diapers and washed them in some sort of special way that my baby's sensitive skin never got a rash!" -Rebeccah S.

" I started using Queen Bee when my Jamie was born last year [August 2008]. I stopped using them this winter [ December 2009]. Not only was Jamie fully putty trained at 1 1/2 , but he never had diaper rash once! The diapers always smell fresh and arrive every Saturday. I live downtown - and have a 4 floor walk-up, and left my diapers out every weekend and never experienced a problem. " - Cynthia K. 

"Thank you Queen Bee for giving such nice service to my daughter , and helping her see how easy it was to use cloth diapers when you use a diaper service. Your the best!" - Mrs. Crystal


" For Crunchy moms there is a new service in town that delivers and launders cloth diapers - it's a cynch to Go Green in NYC. It's about time we have a service like this in our  city." - TIME OUT KIDS NY

" There is a new option for mom's in New Jersey for diapering. Now, Queen Bee Diaper Service has expanded their service to include Northern New Jersey. Queen Bee will pick-up and deliver diapers right from your door and launder them in a 12-stage natural process. The service is $36 per week and take's care of all your diapering needs. Why didn't anyone think of this sooner? Oh wait, they did. these services died out about 15 years ago because of the convenience of disposable plastic diapers. Now, it seems after much research service like Queen Bee have returned. Dr. Mark Fientol, Director of Pediatrics at Holy Name Hospital , says " The plastic [diapers] should only be used when on the go or travelling. They were meant as a convenience item - not a permanent fix. Cloth is breathable and keeps the skin healthier due to the lack of chemicals. An added benefit of cloth is the early potty-training. I highly recommend cloth diapers to all my patients.". Bottom line, the best thing for our baby's bottoms , is cloth and the easiest way to use it is by using a diaper service like Queen Bee Diaper Service. - North Easter New Jersey Mothering Magazine.